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Virtual Laser Scanner


The ”Scanner” is a module implementing a virtual laser scanning device. To use it, first import the module :

import de.grogra.rgg.Scanner ;

and create a new instance :

Scanner ls = new Scanner() ;

Then, the process of points acquisition can be seen as follow :

  1. set a ray ”length” ;
  2. set an origin, and directions for the rays ;
  3. shoot the rays, store the returned data ;
  4. repeat until enough points are acquired. This process can be done step-by-step, or a method implementing a scanning according to some predefined schedule can be used.

Shooting of the rays

The rays are always shot according to two angular parameters ($\theta_{range}$ , $\phi_{range}$) defining the solid angle that will be scanned, two parameters ($\theta_{step}$ , $\phi_{step}$) defining the resolution with which it will be scanned, and a direct orthonormal basis ($\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z}$) serving as reference (see below).

In the spherical coordinate system i based on the reference basis ($\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z}$), rays are shot for $\theta \in \left[\frac{-\theta_{range}}{2}, \frac{-\theta_{range}}{2}\right]$ with an angular resolution $\theta_{step}$ and for $\phi \in \left[\frac{\pi}{2}-\frac{-\phi_{range}}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}+\frac{-\phi_{range}}{2}\right]$ with an angular resolution $\phi_{step}$ (see illustration Fig.1 p.2). Thus, the mean direction of the rays shot is $\vec{x}$.

Details concerning the spherical and cylindrical coordinate system used in this module can be found at the end of this document (resp. 4.1 p.6 and 4.2 p.6).

Figure 1: Directions of rays shot for the parameters $\theta_{range} = \frac{\pi}{2}, \phi_{range} = \frac{\pi}{4}, \theta_{step} = \frac{\pi}{20}, \phi_{step} = \frac{\pi}{8}$.

Methods available

Remark : if calling multiple scan methods (e.g. scan, scanCylinder, scanSphere ; see below) in a row, be sure to save the returned data after each call, as they will not be kept.

Notations : Seg(Point3d point, Vector3d vector, Double l) designates the segment which has the point point at one end, the direction vector direction, and of length l. Cir(Point3d center, Vector3d normal, Double r) designates the circle of center center, of radius r and contained in a plane orthogonal to the vector normal.

setRayLength Sets the range of the rays.

void setRayLength(double desiredLength) ;

desiredLenght must be strictly positive.

setBasis Sets the 3-dimensional basis to be used as reference for shooting the rays.

void setBasis(Vector3d x, Vector3d y, Vector3d y) ;

The 3 vectors must form a direct orthogonal basis.

setRange   Sets the angular opening in θ and φ.

void setRange(double thetaRange,double phiRange) ;

If $thetaRange \ge 2 · \pi$ (resp. $phiRange \ge \pi$) , then $thetaRange = 2 · \pi$ (resp. $phiRange = \pi$) will be used instead. $thetaRange \le 0$ (resp. $phiRange \le 0$) sets an angular opening in theta (resp. phi ) of 0 (Note : thetaRange = 0 and phiRange = 0 corresponds at the shooting of only one ray, along the x-axis).

setSteps Sets the resolution in theta and phi.

void setSteps(double thetaStep,double phiStep) ;

If $thetaStep \ge thetaRange$ (resp. $phiStep \ge phiRange$) , then _thetaStep = thetaRange_ (resp. phiStep = phiRange) will be used instead. $thetaStep \le 0$ (resp. $phiRange \le 0$) sets an angular opening in theta (resp. phi ) of 0.

setpDrawRay   Set the probability of drawing one ray.

void setpDrawRay(double p) ;

Each ray will be drawn with a probability p (if $p \le 0$ no rays will be drawn, if $p \ge 1$ all the rays will be drawn), thus $n · p$ will be drawn in average (with n the total number of rays shot).

scanTriggers the scanning with the specified options.

ArrayList<Point3d> scan(Point3d center) ;

Rays will be shot from the point center, according to the angular parameters specified. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList.

writeDataToFile Writes the ArrayList data in a file named fileName. The data are written according to a ”x y z” format.

void writeDataToFile(ArrayList<Point3d> data, String fileName) ;

scanSegment Moves the origin of the rays along the segment Seg(startingPoint, direction, (nbSteps − 1) · stepLength). Rays are shot at each step according to the specified parameters. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList.

ArrayList<Point3d> scanSegment (Point3d startingPoint, Vector3d direction, double stepLength, int nbSteps) ;

The vector direction must not be null, stepLenght and nbSteps must be strictly positive.

Please note that for all the following methods, the angular pa- rameters used are those fixed by the methods setRange and setSteps. However, the basis defining the directions of the rays are defined within the methods.

scanCircle Moves the origin of the rays along the circle _Cir(center, normal, r)_. Rays are shot for each angular step angleStep until a complete circle has been covered. Directions of the rays shot are defined by the local cylindrical basis $(-u, -u_{\theta}, normal)$ formed at each step, with respect to the reference basis $(zeroAngleVector, normal \land zeroAngleVector, normal)$. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList.

ArrayList<Point3d> scanCircle(Point3d center, double r, Vector3d normal,Vector3d zeroAngleVector, double angleStep) ;
ArrayList<Point3d> scanCircle(Point3d center, double r, Vector3d normal, double angleStep) ;

The vector _zeroAngleVector_ specifies the angle reference for the circle. It must be orthogonal to normal. If none is specified, an arbitrary vector is used.

scanCylinder Moves the origin of the rays on the surface of the cylinder of axis the segment _Seg(startingPoint, axis, (nbSteps-1) · lengthAxisStep)_ and of radius _r_. For each step _i_ along the cylinder’s axis, the origin of the rays revolves around the cylinder with an angular step _angularStep_. Rays are shot at each angular step until a complete circle has been covered. Directions of the rays shot are defined by the local cylindrical basis $(-u, -u_{\theta}, axis)$ formed at each angular step, with respect to the reference basis $(zeroAngleVector, axis \land zeroAngleVector, axis)$. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList.

ArrayList<Point3d> scanCylinder ( Point3d startingPoint, Vector3d axis, double radius, double angularStep, double lengthAxisStep, int nbSteps) ;
ArrayList<Point3d> scanCylinder ( Point3d startingPoint, Vector3d axis, double radius, double angularStep, double lengthAxisStep, int nbSteps, Vector3d zeroAngleVector) ;

The vector zeroAngleVector specifies the angle reference for each circle. It must be orthogonal to axis. If none is specified, an arbitrary vector is used.

scanSphere &emsp; Moves the origin of the rays on a sphere of center center and radius r. With respect to the spherical coordinate system based on the basis (x,y,z), the origin of the rays moves from φ = 0 to φ = π with a step phiStep, and, for each angle φ, from θ = 0 to θ = 2π with a step thetaStep. Rays are shot for each couple (θ, φ), their directions being defined by the local spherical basis $(−u_{r}$, $−u_{\phi}$, $u_{\theta})$. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList.

ArrayList<Point3d> scanSphere (Point3d center, double r, double phiStep, double thetaStep, Vector3d x, Vector3d y, Vector3d z) ;

(x, y, z) must be a direct orthogonal basis, r and phiStep must be strictly positive. If $thetaStep \le 0$, then θ = 0 will be used at each step (thus the origin of the rays describes an half circle).

Noise simulation &emsp; A set of methods enables noise simulation. The introduction of a noise factor is triggered for the parameters θ, φ and the hit distance by the following methods:

void setThetaNoise(boolean value) ;
void setPhiNoise(boolean value) ;
void setDistanceNoise(boolean value) ;

Each time a point is acquired, a noise factor is added to the angle θ and or φ and or the hit distance when computing the point’s position. Noise on θ and φ modifies the direction in which the point is thought to be ; noise on the hit distance the distance (in this direction) from the scanner.

The type of noise can be set through the following methods :

void setThetaNoiseType(int type, boolean adapt, double param1, double param2) ;
void setPhiNoiseType(int type, boolean adapt, double param1, double param2) ;
void setDistanceNoiseType(int type, boolean adapt, double param1, double param2) ;

type = 0 sets the noise to an uniform perturbation, type = 1 to a gaussian one (any other value inducing no noise at all). adapt = false produces a noise with fixed parameters, whereas adapt = true produces a noise which parameters depends on the real value (see below).

Given the real value $\alpha_{r}$ of one parameter (θ, φ or the hit distance), the value used to compute the point’s position is $`\alpha_{r} = \alpha_{r} + \epsilon`$, where ϵ is the noise. With U(a, b) denoting the uniform density on [a, b] (a < b), and N(μ, σ) the gaussian density of mean μ and standard deviation σ, the perturbation ϵ has the corresponding density :


Spherical coordinate system

The spherical coordinate system is a 3d-coordinate system in which the position of a point is specified by two angular parameters θ and φ and the radial distance r. Given a direct orthonormal basis $B_{0} = (\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z})$, and a fixed origin point O, these parameters, for some point M(r, θ, φ), are defined as follow (see Fig.2 p.7) :

$\theta = \widehat{\vec{x}, \vec{OP}}, \theta \in \left[0; 2\pi\right]$
$\phi = \widehat{\vec{z}, \vec{OM}}, \phi \in \left[0; \pi\right]$
r = OM

with P the orthogonal projection of M on the plane $(O, \vec{y}, \vec{z})$. Note that only the two angular parameters θ and φ are needed to define a direction (see Fig.2 p.7).

For each direction (θ, φ) a local direct orthonormal basis $B_{\theta, \phi} = (\vec{u_{r}}, \vec{u_{\phi}}, \vec{u_{\theta}})$ can be de defined, with :

Cylindrical coordinate system

The cylindrical coordinate system is a 3d-coordinate system in which the position of a point is specified by one angular parameter θ, one distance _r_ and one height z. Given a direct orthonormal basis $B_{0} = (\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z})$, and a fixed origin point O, these parameters, for some point M (r, θ, z), are defined as follow (see Fig.2 p.7)

$\theta = \widehat{\vec{x}, \vec{OP}}, \theta \in \left[0; 2\pi\right]$
r = OM
$z = \vec{OM} · \vec{z}$

Figure 2: Spherical and Cylindrical coordinate system

with P the orthogonal projection of M on the plane $(O, \vec{x}, \vec{y})$ (see Fig.2 p.7).

For each angle θ a local direct orthonormal basis $B_{\theta} = (\vec{u}, \vec{u_{\theta}}, \vec{z})$ can be de defined, with :

02_user_tutorials/08_technical_features/virtual-laser-scanner.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/24 16:35 by tim2