MTG - Multiscale Tree Graph
EXAMPLE - Importing and Using MTG data in GroIMP
NOTE: In this example, a .mtg file is already imported and a .rgg file has already been added into the project.
Begin at step 1 if you wish to find out how to load a .mtg file into GroIMP.
Skip to step 6 if you wish to know how to modify the loaded MTG data in this example project.
- Start GroIMP
- Click on 'File → Open'. Select a .mtg file.
- A file '<name of MTG file selected>-generated.xl' is generated.
- 2 files appear in GroIMP's file explorer:
<name of MTG file selected>-generated.xl
<name of MTG file selected>.mtg
- The naming of standard MTG attributes can be seen in the commented section at the beginning of the generated .xl file. In this case, <name of MTG file selected>-generated.xl
- To determine if a feature value was specified in the file, use function to return a boolean. E.g.
- In the 3D view, select “View → Scales → Scale 3”.
Add a .rgg file
- In GroIMP's File Explorer (below the 3D view), click on 'Add File'.
- Select '<name of RGG file selected>.rgg'.
- Click save in GroIMP's text editor view. <name of RGG file selected>.rgg should be successfully compiled now.
Save as project
- In GroIMP's main top menu bar, click File→Save.
- Save the project as .gsz file.
- Write a method/function (e.g. run() in this example) in the .rgg file to modify the data.
- Once the .rgg file is saved and compiled, a new set of modules are generated in the .xl file and compiled.
- The nodes in the graph are replaced with the new modules in the .xl file.
- Turn “View → Scales → Scale X” off and on to refresh the 3D view. (where X is the scale you want to visualize)
- Execute the method/function you wrote (e.g. run() in this example) by clicking on the button with the method name.
- Move or rotate the 3D view to refresh and visualize the changes you have made.
- Open an MTG file
- MTG node classes and corresponding GroIMP modules
- MTG feature attributes and GroIMP module variables
- Visualizing the MTG data
- Saving the MTG graph in a GroIMP project
- Modifying the loaded MTG graph