This tutorial is more of a quiz than a tutorial, for the different type of queries a graph and a set of quests are provided. For each quest, the answer and an explanation is provided. Yet it is important to mention that there can be several solutions, for most of this problems.
module A; module B; module C; module D; protected void init () [ Axiom ==> A [A B [b1:B] c:C b2:B ] D C [B A A] B A,c />d:D,b1 /> b2, b2 /> d; ]
0. Get all nodes
1. Get all the A nodes
2. Get all B's that are linked by a successor
3. Get all B's that are linked by a branch
4. Get all As followed directly by another A
5. Get As followed directly by another A, both are connected by a branch
6. Get all A's that are below a C
7. Get all B's that are below another B
8. Get all D which are below a C, where the C is below a B
9. Get All Nodes, which are connected upwards as following: Branch, Successor Branch
10. Get The B that is a decomposition child of another B, the successor of an C and has a D as a decomposition child.
11. Get all A's that have no Children
12. Get all the first B's after the A's