Table of Contents


Datasets and Plots inside GroIMP

GroIMP comes with an included management of dataset and the ability to visualize them, in the following only a small introduction is given.

Datasets in RGG

A datasets in GroIMP are simple tables, that can be referenced from RGG and the GUI.

Getting data in

To create a Dataset in GroIMP the DataSetRef object is used as following:

DatasetRef diagram = new DatasetRef("plot");

In a dataset each row is described as a Dataseries and to add data a new series has to be added as following:

Dataseries ds = diagram.addRow();

Now we can add numeric data to the different columns of this series by using the set function:

for(int i=2; i<10; i++){

It is also possible to create a new row in a dataset in one line of code:



A dataset is a Resource of GroIMP and therefore not removed when the simulation is reset or recompiled. In order to clear a dataset the following command can be used.


Column titles

Similar to the set function it is possible to add column titles using the following command:


Exporting datasets

It is possible to export a dataset from RGG using a Java FileWriter as shown below:

public void getData(){
	DatasetRef diagram = new DatasetRef("plot");
	FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("/home/tim/test.csv"); 

It is also possible to define the Separator that is used for the file by e.g. diagram.export(fw,“,”); And the same works as well with a StringBuffer instead of the FileWriter.

Datasets in Gui

The datasets can be seen in the dataset explorer. This can be found in the main menu under Panels/Explorers/datasets. Clicking on a dataset opens a very simplistic table view where the data can be seen and also exported.

Visualizing Datasets

To visualize a dataset in GroIMP the chart() function is used:

 chart(diagram, XY_PLOT);

in a full example like this:

module A(float len) extends Sphere(0.1)
DatasetRef diagram = new DatasetRef("plot");
protected void init ()
	Axiom ==> A(1);
	diagram.setTitle("My fancy plot");
	 chart(diagram, XY_PLOT);
public void run ()
	A(x) ==> F(x) [RU(30) RH(90) A(x*0.8)] [RU(-30) RH(90) A(x*0.8)];