The import formats both for files and object representation in GroIMP presented in this tutorial are mostly coming from the plugin Pointcloud. See here to see how install plugins in GroIMP. The wiki is up to date with the version 1.7 of the plugin.
GroIMP support two ways of defining a point cloud object:
Other point cloud tutorials:
The easiest way to add a Point cloud object in GroIMP is by importing them through the menu bar. See here for more information on importing file in GroIMP.
It is however also possible to import a file from the RGG code in a Java block:
importNodeFromFile( "/path/to/file/", "mimeType/astext");
The file at the given path will be loaded with the filter associated with the given mimetype from GroIMP. The node created is automatically added to the scene under the root node of the project graph. Additionally the node can only be loaded, meaning it is not added to the graph but provided as a variable.
Node x = loadNodeFromFile( "/path/to/file/", "mimeType/astext");
Both ways loading and importing can also work with input streams instead of file paths.
The MimeTypes used for Point cloud import in GroIMP are :
It is the most common approach to consider point clouds as it is the most memory efficient one. However, from an array, the XL queries and graph operations are not possible on the points of the point cloud. More over, a point cloud stored as an array can only contains “points” with x,y,z values (while a point cloud as a graph can see “points” as different objects).
To import a point cloud as array you can use the GUI (make sure to select the correct mimetype - one that includes to array point cloud):
The two current available format are xyz and ply. Even if PLY enables to include “edges”, and “faces”, they are ignored when the file is imported. Only “vertices” are included. The file could also have been imported with the RGG method (using a mimetype that contains array):
importNodeFromFile( "/", "model/x-grogra-pointcloud-array+xyz");
In both case, the point cloud is imported behind a single graph Node linked to the root (an Imp3dCloud node, see the graph 2d above). Imp3dCloud implements de.grogra.pointcloud.groimp.PointCloud. So PointCloud can be used to find the Imp3dNodes with RGG queries.
The point cloud's point are only accessible through RGG code, e.g.
[pc:PointCloud ::> println(pc.getCloud()); ] [pc:PointCloud ::> println(pc.getCloud().pointsToFloat()); ]
The first command will print the Cloud (de.grogra.pointcloud.groimp.Cloud object), which is the class holding the knowledge of the Points. The second command will print a float array containing the coordinate of all the points.
Point clouds can also be imported as Graph that follow the structure:
To import a point cloud file into groimp you can use the GUI, or the RGG command, (making sure the mimetype selected include to graph pointcloud.
importNodeFromFile( "/", "model/x-grogra-pointcloud-graph+xyz");
The given example import a XYZ file, which only contains Points. So the graph created is of the structure:
If you import a PLY file that include both vertices and Faces (and/or Lines), GroIMP will create two (or three) point cloud nodes, one per type of object to import from the PLY file. Each of these point cloud nodes are added under a CollectionCloud node:
This very simple example of a PLY file with 3 vertices and one face show that the face is imported as a LeafMeshImpl (which extends MeshNode - the default mesh node of GroIMP). The LeafMesh is linked to the points that defines it by Refinement Edges.
Similarly to the point cloud as array, the cloud nodes can be accessed with RGG commands:
[pc:PointCloud ::> println(pc.getCloud()); ] // print the CloudGraph node for each point cloud (2 here) [pc:PointCloud ::> println(pc.getCloud().pointsToFloat()); ] // print the float array representation of all nodes (in this example it print two float array that contains the same values
As the point cloud Points are part of the GroIMP project graph, the Points are accessible through XL queries for both execution and rewriting:
import de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.PointCloudLeaf [p:PointCloudLeaf ::> println(p);] // the next query replace each point by a new point with the same coordinate [p:LeafPointImpl ==> { Vector3d v = p.getTranslation();} LeafPointImpl(v.x, v.y, v.z);]
By creating a GroIMP module that extends LeafMeshImpl and define methods to process intercepted light, the point clouds of LeafMesh can easily be intercepting light at the Point level.
As they are part of the GroIMP 3d scene, the point cloud object are included in the standards 3d scene exports.
Point cloud can additionally be exported as point clouds of the two same format as the import: XYZ and PLY. The XYZ export only export Points that contains exactly 3 coordinates (the meshes and lines are ignored).
The PLY format export all Points, including meshes and lines. Meshes and Lines are using the existing LeafPoint if they exists and they are linked by Refinement edges. Otherwise they create new point on the fly for the export.
The point cloud export can be accessed from the GUI under 3d view> view> export… > pointclouds.
There are three possible export commands: