Table of Contents


GroIMP can be started without its graphical interface, with a CLI. Unlike the Headless mode, the CLI enables interaction with multiple the models during run time including opening and closing models, running simulations, editing RGG files etc. Its a valuable feature especially on remote server or for small changes. It syntax of the commands is oriented on basic linux command.

CLICLIUserInteractive command lineGroIMPUserInteractive command lineGroIMPStart GroIMP

Installation & Execution

The CLI can be installed using the GroIMP plugin manager (which also works in headless or compiled from source.

To start the CLI application in a terminal the additional parameter -a cli is needed:

java -Xverify:none -jar core.jar --headless -a cli

The name core.jar can variate based on the way GroIMP was installed.



The CLI can be used to manage multiple workbenches. The currently used workbench is defined in the prefix of the command line: [myProject]>>

After starting the CLI the first workbench is always “base”, which is similar to the empty window when starting the GUI. This workbench cant do much more then creating or opening other projects.


The commands to interact with GroIMP and the proejcts are sorted by level of usage. There is currently three levels:

The list can be found below.

More documentation


List of Commands

The commands are sorted by level of usage. There is currently three levels: at application, window, or workbench level. The first character of a command indicates at which level it should be executed.

Note: the command $help lists most of the available commands with a description

App commands ($)
$pwd print the current system directory
$ls list all files of the current system directory
$cd (system-path) change the current system directory
$editFile (system-path) open a system file with a default application
$open (system-path) open an existing Project file in a new Workbench
$createWB (selected template(optional), name of the new WB(optional)) create a new Project based on a RGG template
$loadExample (identifier of the Example, name of the new WB(optional)) load an example project
$listExamples (search parameter (optional)) list the available examples
$listTemplates (search parameter (optional)) list the available templates
$selectWB (workbench id) select a new workbench
$listWB list all open Workbenches
$listProjects list all open projects
Window command (%)
only a small selection of the most used panels…
%list list all open windows
%inspector shows the hierarchic object inspector
%inspector:select (tree-id) select the node
%inspector:show (tree-id) opens the properties of the node
%log show the log
%fileexplorer list all files
%fileexpolorer:show (file name or id) opens a file in nano
Workbench command
open (system-path) open an existing Project file in a new Workbench (is equal to $open)
save save the file to the original location
saveas (system-path) save the file to a new location
undo undo last action
compile compiles the RGG code
listFunctions list all exiting RGG functions of the model
addNode (system-path or -o object-path) add a Object form either a file or a 3d object (-o) to the scene
addFile (system-path) add a file to the Project, create one if the path is empty
renameFile (file name , new name) rename a file
removeFile (file name) remove a file
export3d (system-path) export the scene to a file
close closes the Project
xlconsole open the XL console
graph shows the hierarchic object inspector
ls list all files of the Project
editFile (file name) open Nano to edit a file
<RGG-function-name> execute the RGG function with that name