====== GroIMP summer school 2025 ====== In the first week of June 2025, we will host a GroIMP summer school in Göttingen, to give an introduction into the platform, to help people to get started and to give a deeper insight on some specific features. The summer school is open for all who want to learn how to work with [[https://grogra.de | GroIMP]] – Growth-grammar based Interactive Modelling Platform – and to write models in the rule-based programming language XL. Particularly, it is open for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in Applied Computer Science, Botany, Agriculture, Horticulture or Forest Science with focus on information pro­cessing and modelling, and also for interested guests from other disciplines. **Date:** 2 June - 5 June, 2025 ===== Location: ===== The summer school will take place in the rooms of the Department of Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth at the University of Göttingen: Büsgenweg 4,\\ 37077 Göttingen\\ Germany Göttingen is easily accessible by train, and for accommodation the university provides a [[ https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/f50ff31ffbdab8d06aea7e31bb2de877-en.pdf/Temporary%20Accommodation%20in%20and%20around%20G%C3%B6ttingen_EN_Januar%202024_Entwurf.pdf | list of options]]. ===== Participation ===== The language will be English and no congress fee is required. To help us with the planning of the event, please [[ https://grogra.de/summer-school-sign-up/ | register]] early. If you would like to present your current work orally or in a poster session, please add a short summary to the registration. While the introductory lectures will be hybrid, the workshops and the project presentations will only be accessible in person. ===== Daily schedule ===== A timetable can be found here: [[https://grogra.de/summer-school-time-table/| https://grogra.de/summer-school-time-table/]] {{namespace>:03_community:summer_school:2025}} ===== Contact ===== If you have any questions, or would like to provide a workshop yourself, please reach out to us: {{:workshops:mail.png?direct&200 |}}