{{howhard>4}} ===== Virtual Laser Scanner ====== ==== Introduction ==== The ”Scanner” is a module implementing a virtual laser scanning device. To use it, first import the module : > import de.grogra.rgg.Scanner ; and create a new instance : > Scanner ls = new Scanner() ; Then, the process of points acquisition can be seen as follow : - set a ray ”length” ; - set an origin, and directions for the rays ; - shoot the rays, store the returned data ; - repeat until enough points are acquired. This process can be done step-by-step, or a method implementing a scanning according to some predefined schedule can be used. ==== Shooting of the rays ==== The rays are always shot according to two angular parameters ($\theta_{range}$ , $\phi_{range}$) defining the solid angle that will be scanned, two parameters ($\theta_{step}$ , $\phi_{step}$) defining the resolution with which it will be scanned, and a direct orthonormal basis ($\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z}$) serving as reference (see below). In the spherical coordinate system i based on the reference basis ($\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z}$), rays are shot for $\theta \in \left[\frac{-\theta_{range}}{2}, \frac{-\theta_{range}}{2}\right]$ with an angular resolution $\theta_{step}$ and for $\phi \in \left[\frac{\pi}{2}-\frac{-\phi_{range}}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}+\frac{-\phi_{range}}{2}\right]$ with an angular resolution $\phi_{step}$ (see illustration Fig.1 p.2). Thus, the mean direction of the rays shot is $\vec{x}$. Details concerning the spherical and cylindrical coordinate system used in this module can be found at the end of this document (resp. 4.1 p.6 and 4.2 p.6). {{:tutorials:fig_scanner.png}} Figure 1: Directions of rays shot for the parameters $\theta_{range} = \frac{\pi}{2}, \phi_{range} = \frac{\pi}{4}, \theta_{step} = \frac{\pi}{20}, \phi_{step} = \frac{\pi}{8}$. ==== Methods available ==== **Remark : if calling multiple scan methods (e.g. //scan//, //scanCylinder//, //scanSphere// ; see below) in a row, be sure to save the returned data after each call, as they will not be kept.** **Notations :** //Seg(Point3d point, Vector3d vector, Double l)// designates the segment which has the point //point// at one end, the direction vector //direction//, and of length //l//. //Cir(Point3d center, Vector3d normal, Double r)// designates the circle of //center// center, of radius //r// and contained in a plane orthogonal to the vector //normal//. **setRayLength** Sets the range of the rays. > **void setRayLength(double desiredLength) ;** //desiredLenght// must be strictly positive. **setBasis** Sets the 3-dimensional basis to be used as reference for shooting the rays. > **void setBasis(Vector3d x, Vector3d y, Vector3d y) ;** The 3 vectors must form a direct orthogonal basis. **setRange**   Sets the angular opening in θ and φ. > **void setRange(double thetaRange,double phiRange) ;** If $thetaRange \ge 2 · \pi$ (resp. $phiRange \ge \pi$) , then $thetaRange = 2 · \pi$ (resp. $phiRange = \pi$) will be used instead. $thetaRange \le 0$ (resp. $phiRange \le 0$) sets an angular opening in //theta// (resp. //phi// ) of 0 (Note : //thetaRange = 0// and //phiRange = 0// corresponds at the shooting of only one ray, along the x-axis). **setSteps** Sets the resolution in //theta// and //phi//. > **void setSteps(double thetaStep,double phiStep) ;** If $thetaStep \ge thetaRange$ (resp. $phiStep \ge phiRange$) , then _thetaStep = thetaRange_ (resp. //phiStep = phiRange//) will be used instead. $thetaStep \le 0$ (resp. $phiRange \le 0$) sets an angular opening in theta (resp. //phi// ) of 0. **setpDrawRay**   Set the probability of drawing one ray. > **void setpDrawRay(double p) ;** Each ray will be drawn with a probability //p// (if $p \le 0$ no rays will be drawn, if $p \ge 1$ all the rays will be drawn), thus $n · p$ will be drawn in average (with //n// the total number of rays shot). **scan**Triggers the scanning with the specified options. > **ArrayList scan(Point3d center) ;** Rays will be shot from the point center, according to the angular parameters specified. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList. **writeDataToFile** Writes the ArrayList //data// in a file named //fileName//. The data are written according to a ”x y z” format. > **void writeDataToFile(ArrayList data, String fileName) ;** **scanSegment** Moves the origin of the rays along the segment //Seg(startingPoint, direction, (nbSteps − 1) · stepLength)//. Rays are shot at each step according to the specified parameters. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList. > **ArrayList scanSegment (Point3d startingPoint, Vector3d direction, double stepLength, int nbSteps) ;** The vector //direction// must not be null, //stepLenght// and //nbSteps// must be strictly positive. **Please note that for all the following methods, the angular pa- rameters used are those fixed by the methods //setRange// and //setSteps//. However, the basis defining the directions of the rays are defined within the methods.** **scanCircle** Moves the origin of the rays along the circle _Cir(center, normal, r)_. Rays are shot for each angular step //angleStep// until a complete circle has been covered. Directions of the rays shot are defined by the local cylindrical basis $(-u, -u_{\theta}, normal)$ formed at each step, with respect to the reference basis $(zeroAngleVector, normal \land zeroAngleVector, normal)$. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList. > **ArrayList scanCircle(Point3d center, double r, Vector3d normal,Vector3d zeroAngleVector, double angleStep) ;** > **ArrayList scanCircle(Point3d center, double r, Vector3d normal, double angleStep) ;** The vector _zeroAngleVector_ specifies the angle reference for the circle. It must be orthogonal to normal. If none is specified, an arbitrary vector is used. **scanCylinder** Moves the origin of the rays on the surface of the cylinder of axis the segment _Seg(startingPoint, axis, (nbSteps-1) · lengthAxisStep)_ and of radius _r_. For each step _i_ along the cylinder’s axis, the origin of the rays revolves around the cylinder with an angular step _angularStep_. Rays are shot at each angular step until a complete circle has been covered. Directions of the rays shot are defined by the local cylindrical basis $(-u, -u_{\theta}, axis)$ formed at each angular step, with respect to the reference basis $(zeroAngleVector, axis \land zeroAngleVector, axis)$. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList. > **ArrayList scanCylinder ( Point3d startingPoint, Vector3d axis, double radius, double angularStep, double lengthAxisStep, int nbSteps) ;** > **ArrayList scanCylinder ( Point3d startingPoint, Vector3d axis, double radius, double angularStep, double lengthAxisStep, int nbSteps, Vector3d zeroAngleVector) ;** The vector //zeroAngleVector// specifies the angle reference for each circle. It must be orthogonal to //axis//. If none is specified, an arbitrary vector is used. **scanSphere**   Moves the origin of the rays on a sphere of center center and radius r. With respect to the spherical coordinate system based on the basis (x,y,z), the origin of the rays moves from φ = 0 to φ = π with a step //phiStep//, and, for each angle φ, from θ = 0 to θ = 2π with a step //thetaStep//. Rays are shot for each couple (θ, φ), their directions being defined by the local spherical basis $(−u_{r}$, $−u_{\phi}$, $u_{\theta})$. Scanned points are returned in an ArrayList. > **ArrayList scanSphere (Point3d center, double r, double phiStep, double thetaStep, Vector3d x, Vector3d y, Vector3d z) ;** //(x, y, z)// must be a direct orthogonal basis, r and //phiStep// must be strictly positive. If $thetaStep \le 0$, then θ = 0 will be used at each step (thus the origin of the rays describes an half circle). **Noise simulation**   A set of methods enables noise simulation. The introduction of a noise factor is triggered for the parameters θ, φ and the hit distance by the following methods: > **void setThetaNoise(boolean value) ;** > **void setPhiNoise(boolean value) ;** > **void setDistanceNoise(boolean value) ;** Each time a point is acquired, a noise factor is added to the angle θ and or φ and or the hit distance when computing the point’s position. Noise on θ and φ modifies the direction in which the point is thought to be ; noise on the hit distance the distance (in this direction) from the scanner. The type of noise can be set through the following methods : > **void setThetaNoiseType(int type, boolean adapt, double param1, double param2) ;** > **void setPhiNoiseType(int type, boolean adapt, double param1, double param2) ;** > **void setDistanceNoiseType(int type, boolean adapt, double param1, double param2) ;** //type = 0// sets the noise to an uniform perturbation, //type = 1// to a gaussian one (any other value inducing no noise at all). //adapt = false// produces a noise with fixed parameters, whereas //adapt = true// produces a noise which parameters depends on the real value (see below). Given the real value $\alpha_{r}$ of one parameter (θ, φ or the hit distance), the value used to compute the point’s position is $`\alpha_{r} = \alpha_{r} + \epsilon`$, where ϵ is the noise. With U(a, b) denoting the uniform density on [a, b] (a < b), and N(μ, σ) the gaussian density of mean μ and standard deviation σ, the perturbation ϵ has the corresponding density : {{:tutorials:scanner_table.png}} ==== Annexes ==== === Spherical coordinate system === The spherical coordinate system is a 3d-coordinate system in which the position of a point is specified by two angular parameters θ and φ and the radial distance //r//. Given a direct orthonormal basis $B_{0} = (\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z})$, and a fixed origin point //O//, these parameters, for some point M(r, θ, φ), are defined as follow (see Fig.2 p.7) : > $\theta = \widehat{\vec{x}, \vec{OP}}, \theta \in \left[0; 2\pi\right]$ > $\phi = \widehat{\vec{z}, \vec{OM}}, \phi \in \left[0; \pi\right]$ > r = OM with //P// the orthogonal projection of //M// on the plane $(O, \vec{y}, \vec{z})$. Note that only the two angular parameters θ and φ are needed to define a direction (see Fig.2 p.7). For each direction (θ, φ) a local direct orthonormal basis $B_{\theta, \phi} = (\vec{u_{r}}, \vec{u_{\phi}}, \vec{u_{\theta}})$ can be de defined, with : {{:tutorials:scanner_eq.png}} === Cylindrical coordinate system === The cylindrical coordinate system is a 3d-coordinate system in which the position of a point is specified by one angular parameter θ, one distance _r_ and one height //z//. Given a direct orthonormal basis $B_{0} = (\vec{x}, \vec{y}, \vec{z})$, and a fixed origin point //O//, these parameters, for some point //M (r, θ, z)//, are defined as follow (see Fig.2 p.7) > $\theta = \widehat{\vec{x}, \vec{OP}}, \theta \in \left[0; 2\pi\right]$ > //r = OM// > $z = \vec{OM} · \vec{z}$ {{:tutorials:scanner_coordinate.png}} ** Figure 2: Spherical and Cylindrical coordinate system ** with P the orthogonal projection of M on the plane $(O, \vec{x}, \vec{y})$ (see Fig.2 p.7). For each angle θ a local direct orthonormal basis $B_{\theta} = (\vec{u}, \vec{u_{\theta}}, \vec{z})$ can be de defined, with : {{:tutorials:scanner_eq2.png}}